Monday, September 27, 2010

An experiment in blogging

Well, like many first-time bloggers, I will make this first post about the reasons behind my blogging when I have nothing to share and am typically a very private person when among strangers (god knows, I blab when among friends).

Reason 1: An experiment in blogging so I can set up a blog for the Design Quest be populated with information by Meg, Jorgen and Thor. Not me!

Reason 2: I am avoiding work by working on something that is quasi-related to work.

Reason 3: Some buried egotistical part of me wants to BLOG!  I have nothing original or interesting to say but, hey, at least I can post links to my favorite recipes!

Reason 4: Isn't it always good to work on one's writing skills?

So, with a whole hour of set-up and blogging accomplished, the only question I have is..."How much time can I bill to Design Quest for blog research??"